Private health insurance and alternative medicine
The classical medical healing methods can offer a quick and safe solution for many illnesses. Nevertheless, classical medicine does not have an answer to all diseases.
Alternative healing methods, such as z. B. homeopathy, enjoy today a high reputation with some school physicians and a large part of the population.
Up to 70% of Germans appreciate natural medicine and its healing methods, so they regularly take appropriate preparations and applications to themselves.
Private health insurance , what you have to pay attention to
Many health insurance companies have recognized the changes in society and in medicine and offer their policyholders a unique opportunity to take care of their health in the long term within the framework of relaxation and exercise techniques.
Also with cancer patients the naturopathy reached a completely new value, because by relaxation procedures, nourishing teachings and further nature remedies as addition to the classical medicine the immune system can be strengthened clearly, so that the body can withstand the orthodox medical procedures better and fight from itself against the cancer can.
The advantages of a private health insurance with the desire for alternative treatment
If a patient prefers homeopathic treatment, private health insurance offers some advantages over statutory health insurance.
If the alternative treatment is practiced by a licensed physician with the appropriate additional training and a non-medical practitioner’s insurance, the costs can be settled via private health insurance.
If a non-medical practitioner is chosen directly without a medical license, the costs are not covered by private health insurance either.
A thorough and informative consultation with the private health insurance before visiting the alternative practitioner or a doctor with an additional qualification is therefore strongly advised, in order to avoid possible cost traps.
Who attaches importance to alternative welfare methods and a holistic treatment, which should start even before: with the choice of the insurance.
Independent portals for the comparison of private health insurance companies such as help with this: they take special wishes into account and find the optimal tariffs on the basis of personal criteria.
If private health insurance covers the costs, the patient can benefit from the following advantages when being treated by a doctor practicing naturopathy:
- Procedures are used when there is a medical necessity and the previously known measures of conventional medicine are no longer effective.
- For various chronic diseases, the chances of healing through naturopathy are demonstrably proven.
- Through the additional qualification as a non-medical practitioner, the orthodox physician covers a wide range of knowledge, so that he can holistically and individually address each patient and compile the best therapy method for each patient through a good combination of procedures.
This is why private supplementary insurance is worthwhile for those with statutory health insurance
Even if more and more statutory health insurance companies cover the costs of naturopathic treatments, the health insurance companies can still relatively easily refuse to reimburse the costs on the grounds that the costs of the therapy would exceed those of conventional medicine or that the standard rate for the treatment of the disease would thus be exceeded.
For this reason it is often worthwhile for legally insured persons to take out an additional alternative practitioner insurance, in order to be able to make use of the homeopathic procedures with this alternative practitioner insurance.
Important points for the use of alternative healing methods
- The practicing physician should be a licensed orthodox physician with an additional qualification as a non-medical practitioner.
- It was held in advance arrangement with the health insurance company concerned, whether the costs for the alternative treatment are taken over.
- The effectiveness of the naturopathic methods used has been empirically tested.
- The classical school-medical procedures did not obtain relief, so that an indication for the treatment with alternative methods exists.
In order to inform yourself in advance about the right tariff, it is advantageous to have an independent and professional insurance advisor explain the various options for supplementary insurance to the statutory health insurance, such as an alternative practitioner’s insurance.
In this way, the tariff can be filtered out that best suits individual wishes and needs.